Friday, October 18, 2019

Intro to Criminal Justice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intro to Criminal Justice - Coursework Example Finally, the Uniformed Police System came into existence. Sir Robert Peel II drafted the Metropolitan Police Act in 1829 in which the first large-scale, uniformed, organized, paid, civil police force was created in London. This model operated within the principles of crime prevention as the mission of policing, collaborative effort from the police and people, improving police efficiency, and strengthening the responsibility of the police as enforcers of law. 2. Due to the fact that fines did not suffice to persuade people in America during the 1700s into fulfilling their police duties, America realized the need for a salaried and full-time police force. Philadelphia started implementing laws that would establish the salaried and full-time police force. First, it implemented a law that allowed constables to hire as many guards as they required, and the second law was about paying taxes to support the salaries of the police force. Unfortunately, due to the growing population and crime rate in America, this system of policing seemed to not work anymore. In 1800s, the country adopted England's paid, full-time, and uniformed police force. However, due to the low salary of the police officers, issue on bribery and other forms of corruption surfaced and became major concerns in the country. 3. In response to the growing problems that the policing system in America faced, August Vollmer established a new model of policing that greatly improved law enforcement during this time. Vollmer believed that police work must be considered a profession and as professionals they were supposed to serve the people without any biases. He also believed that law enforcement must be free from any political influence. Vollmer also perceived that to improve the police force officers must act and behave like true leaders, and the standards for becoming officers must be reviewed and raised. The new policing system created by Vollmer had the first basic records system in America. There were also special schools designated for the study of law, evidence procedures, and criminology. Vollmer also established the use of scientific investigation of a crime, and the use of motorcycle and automobile patrols. It was also during his time the the first lie detector instrument was used and the first fingerprint system was established. 4. Community policing is based on the premise that police officers are not capable of controlling the crime all by themselves. They need the assistance and cooperation of the people to prevent and control crime within a certain community. In order to successfully do community policing, there must be a good and strong police community relations. Community policing also requires police officers to participate in programs like neighborhood watch, mini-and storefront police stations, police-sponsored athletic leagues, and citizen auxiliary police. Meanwhile, the broken windows theory pertains to neighborhood signs of deterioration. This further means th at a single sign of disorder in a community signifies a downward spiral of deterioration, neighborhood decline, and increasing crime. 5. The first system of law enforcement is local police, and this system is responsible for controlling traffic, patrolling streets, and investigating crimes within a community

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